Zebdia Mango

vitamin C and A

Mango pulp has large amounts of vitamin C and A, which may be useful in encouraging the skin’s creation of collagen. Mangos also have

good amounts of potassium and magnesium, which are vital elements for controlling hypertension and the heartbeat.

To reap the greatest benefits, consume a moderate amount of mango pulp or juice on a regular basis.

Fantastic for using as cake decorations, snacking on them alone or with fruit salad

are not only tasty

Mangos are not only tasty, but they are also very healthy. The unique fragrance, flavor, and nutritional benefits of this super fruit make it a

popular choice among fruit lovers, who call mango the ‘king of fruits’.


X Large: 1~2 Pieces /1 Kg

Large: 2~3 Pieces /1 Kg

Medium: 3~4 Pieces /1 KG


5 Kg Standard Carton.

Availability: July till November

Shipping: Air Shipment & Sea Shipment.

Brand Name: VegiFood

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