frozen kiwi

Frozen kiwi

The kiwi fruit has rich nutritional value and is honored as “the king of fruit” and “the crown of vitamin C”.It is called “beauty fruit, smart fruit” in

Japan. The flesh is golden and the heart is red and beautiful.It has a sweet and sour taste and a strong aroma with a mixture of melon,

strawberry and citrus.Red heart kiwi fruit has 18 kinds of essential amino acids, vitamin C, B, E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus

and other minerals.

vitamin C content

One of the best features of the red actinidia is its rich vitamin C content, which is 155-420mg/100g, 20-80 times that of the apple.Eat 1-2 actinidia

a day to meet the body’s need for vitamin C and trace elements.

oval shape

The kiwi takes on an oval shape and typically matches the size of a chicken egg. Its fibrous, camel-colored skin is lightly coated in fuzz, which

is surprisingly edible and adds a tangy kick to the overall experience. Inside, the bright green flesh boasts a one-of-a-kind texture and intricate rows

of tiny black seeds, also edible. The burst of flavor from this bold berry makes it a popular choice for a nutritious breakfast or lunch. Packed

with Vitamin C and dietary fiber, kiwis provide a range of health benefits. From promoting heart health and aiding digestion, to boosting immunity

, this tart fruit is a top choice for a healthy lifestyle. With its abundance of vitamins and antioxidants, the kiwi is a smart and delicious addition to

any diet.


Frozen Kiwi Halves, slices, Whole (peeled)

Packing: Bulk carton box 10kg/ carton box 8 kg ( 10 bags x 800g )

Shipping: Sea Shipping

By VegiFood

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